
Mountaineering and rock climbing in Colorado requires not only physical strength, 还有精神上的专注, 的决心, 和技能. 尽管有这些要求, 或者, 更准确地, 因为他们, mountaineering and rock climbing have become some of the most rewarding backcountry endeavors one can undertake.

大县, Colorado offers several options for those wishing to tackle an adventure in mountaineering along the jagged peaks and craggy wilderness of our beautiful Rockies. 然而, since most of our rock climbing is tucked away and hidden from plain sight, the area is not overly popular for avid climbers. Because of this, expect fewer crowds on your next rock-climbing adventure!

In 大县, most of the available rock is gneiss, which allows for diverse climbing conditions. A local resident, Jim Shaw, even wrote a guidebook called 弗雷泽山谷攀登 that calls out some of the diversity of the top climbs in the Fraser Valley area (Find it at 冰盒山地运动 弗雷泽). Here are a few choice spots to start your climb:


位于9,海拔1000英尺 between Winter Park and Granby, 赫德溪 includes an Upper Cliff, Lower Cliff and First Cliff with climbs from 30 to 60 feet long. The routes are varied in difficulty levels with about 30 single-pitch sport routes that were developed by area locals.

山项目 offers some good information on how to find this climbing area. Expect a 1/2 mile hike from your car to the climbing area, and make sure you keep left at the split in the trail.


大县 is surrounded by several wilderness areas, 印第安峰荒野 成为他们中的一员. One notable peak that offers plenty of climbing opportunities is Apache Peak, just inside the 大县 border. 位于 美国大陆洛矶山脉分水岭, Apache Peak reaches 13,441 feet in elevation and is the second tallest peak in the wilderness area.

来自阿帕奇峰, climbers can follow a 3/4-mile-long ridge to the southeast to access the climbing area known as Dicker's Peck, a climb on the nearby Navajo Peak.

然而, one of the most popular climbing routes in the 印第安峰荒野 is Kasparov Traverse along the sweeping north face of the peak. Conquer this traverse by following a ridge from Shoshoni Peak to Apache Peak and climbing all of the rock towers along the way known as the "Cheesemen." Access this climb from Pawnee Pass.


In Grand Lake, you can boulder right in the 镇中心离湖只有几步之遥. With 5 climbs ranging from V1 to V4, you're sure to find a route to your liking. For more bouldering routes in 大县 and Fraser Valley, check out 山项目.

尽量减少影响 & 尊敬的攀爬

Please be sure to remain respectful and minimize your impace while climbing in 落基山国家公园. This means following the National Park Service's "Leave No Trace" rule: do not place bolts on existing routes or establish new bolt-intensive routes; do not chip or glue new holds; use clean climbing methods.

除了, respect the park rules and stay out of areas that might be closed due to conditions such as raptor nesting. Learn more about minimizing your impact on the 国家公园管理局网站.

For more information, please contact each Chamber directly.

Rocky Mountain Beginner's Guide

Make your first visit a breeze with this beginner's guide to 落基山国家公园, 高耸的山峰, unforgettable wildlife encounters and unspoiled beauty are waiting.



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