负责任地漫游:野火恢复 & 预防

Wildfires have scorched the West 和 Colorado in particular for hundreds of years—long before the state was founded. Over the years the wildfire season has lengthened 和 the intensity of fires greater, making it essential for visitors 和 locals alike to take action in preventing wildfires. Learn more about how 大县 has remained resilient through past forest fires 和 how you can help prevent fires when visiting or residing in our majestic mountain community.


2020年10月报道, 大县 encountered the second-largest wildfire in Colorado’s history, 也是本县历史上规模最大的一次, 也被称为东方麻烦之火. 对野生动物有着广泛的影响, 景观与当地社区, 大火烧毁了近200人,000 acres including the western side of 落基山国家公园. The East Troublesome fire destroyed 370 homes 和 188 structures, killing two residents. 


野火过后, t在这里 are multiple actions the county takes to ensure the recovery 和 health of both the community 和 affected l和s. With the help of 大县 organizations 和 stewardship partners such as the U.S. 韦德游戏平台公园林务局 & 野生动物, 水源小径联盟, 及大基金, 大县 is able to provide the necessary resources to build back, 恢复路径, 和更多的. 


在野火控制之后,还有 火灾后的三个恢复阶段 由美国采取的.S. Forest Service 和 Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) teams. 

  • 灭火维修: The first phase of fire recovery includes repairing damages 和 minimizing soil erosion 和 impacts from fire suppression activities. 行动包括火线的赔偿, 道路, 小径, 和 safety zones used during fire suppression initiatives. 
  • Emergency Stabilization-Burned Area Emergency Response: A BAER team assesses watersheds 和 identifies threats to human life, property 和 critical natural or cultural resources on national forest l和s. Immediate action is taken to stabilize these threats 和 can include the installation of barriers to protect recovering areas, 安装警告标志, 更换安全相关设施, 消除安全隐患, 和 prevention of loss of habitat for endangered species. 
  • 长期的复苏 & 修复: 最后, 采取长期行动改善受损土地, 维修非必要设施, 开始植树造林, 并安装解释性标志. 


With hundreds of homes destroyed during the East Troublesome Fire, t在这里 are various 火灾回收资源 ranging from 精神健康服务 to 碎片移除 available for the 大县 community. Notable work being done by the 水源小径联盟 及大基金 showcases the resilience of 大县.


The 大基础 is a nonprofit organization working to improve the quality of life in 大县, funding local businesses 和 groups that provide essential services to residents. The foundation’s 大县 Wildfire Emergency Fund is currently supporting residents impacted by the East Troublesome Fire by funding immediate needs such as food, 服装, 避难所, 精神健康服务, 碎片移除, 还有草籽. They are also working on longer-term needs for water quality, reforestation, 和 conservation. Learn more about the 大基础’s wildfire recovery work 在这里.


Restoring 和 preserving the 小径 throughout 大县, 水源小径联盟 (HTA) is a nonprofit focusing on repairing the recreation areas damaged by fires as part of 大县’s post-fire recovery efforts. HTA is working with volunteers to assess 和 maintain trail areas by removing downed trees, 创建烧桩, 修理踏, 改善排水系统. 了解更多关于HTA正在进行的项目 在这里.

参与到小径修复中, HTA offers various volunteer opportunities for visitors, 社区成员和企业. 探索即将到来的志愿者活动以了解更多信息.


根据美国.美国内政部, a majority of all wildfires—as many as 90%— are human-caused, 也就是说我们可以预防这些破坏性事件. To ensure the safety 和 long term enjoyment of both the 大县 community 和 surrounding areas, visitors 和 locals alike need to prevent the start 和 spread of forest fires. 查看有关火灾限制和县警报的最新信息 为你去格兰德县做准备. 


Help us 关心韦德游戏平台 by educating yourself on ways to roam responsibly before visiting 大县. To get started, 在这里 are a few practices to follow that help prevent wildfires:

  • Always check the current fire restrictions 和 ad在这里 to any 营火禁令和规定 对于你正在参观的地区. 
  • Be cautious when smoking, especially in dry climates, 和 always put cigarettes out. 
  • Only use local firewood to minimize the spread of invasive insects.
  • 保持小篝火, 使用现有的火环, 和 completely burn wood to ash—dousing the ash once done. 

通过访问帮助保护韦德游戏平台州的自然资源 关心韦德游戏平台不留痕迹. For more information on campfire etiquette view the video below.


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